Prographics has consistently received positive feedback, not only for the finished product, but also for exemplary communication, customer service and problem solving.

We are proud to have provided professional service encompassing the consultation, design, translation, editing, proofing, production, printing and distribution of a full range of reports and collateral materials for over 30 years.



Prographics is a full-service International Graphic Communication firm that has provided a complete range of multi-language design, print and distribution services to help our clients effectively communicate with the world since 1983.  As we have grown over those 30 years, we’ve added web design and interactive media development to our capabilities, in addition to keeping up with the latest advances in production advancements, print technology and publication design disciplines.

We’re proud of the long-standing relationships we’ve built with many UN agencies, NGOs and worldwide organizations working on many of their highest profile flagship publications. Working with these clients has helped earn us a reputation for exceptional design, attention to detail, and sensitive project management as well as professional conceptualization/consultation services, translation, editing, proofing, production, printing and distribution capabilities. While that reputation has been built on larger projects like annual reports (with extensive statistical tables and data-driven graphics), instructional and technical manuals and reports in multiple languages (including English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic) over the years, we are recognized for the production care we bring to each and every brochure, newsletter or collateral material we produce locally, nationally and internationally.

Perhaps we are proudest of the fact that we have consistently received positive feedback, not only for the quality of finished products, but also for communication with our clients. Our emphasis on client communication has been a standard over the last 30 years and continues to earn us praise for the dollars and the deadlines we save.



We deliver today’s technology and the timeless fundamentals of good design.



Prographics uses a team approach for all of its publication projects. Even though today’s technology makes it possible for an individual designer to accomplish multiple tasks, our team approach allows us, when needed, to combine efforts to turn around up to 40 hours of production work in a single, 8-hour day. Expert project managers, designers, photo technicians, illustrators, proofreaders and prepress specialists work together to create, critique, refine, troubleshoot possible problems and double-check all aspects of a publication before final proofs are submitted to the client for an “ok to print/publish”. This team approach has helped Prographics establish a renowned track record of high-quality, error-free publications and makes it possible for us to be able to react to unforeseen changes in schedules and communicate with clients in different time zones throughout the world in a timely manner to keep projects on schedule.

We typically apply a seven step approach to building a publication that parallels how a house would be built, based on accomplishing and approving steps in a production cycle much like an architect and builder would have a client do. This process also allows for client input and Prographics proofing every step of the way. All of this happens at Prographics’ state-of-the-art 3000 square foot design and digital print production facility located in Annapolis, MD USA. Our in-house production team uses the latest Apple Mac production computers on site, loaded with the most current and complete Adobe Creative Suite design software to create, collaborate and deliver leading-edge print and digital content seamlessly. Adobe CC provides us the tools for generating high-quality printed materials which can be easily converted from English to multiple languages, Epub and Kindle formats and website content.